Jim’s birthday

Jim's 50th

Jim’s 50th

Years ago when Dept of Works was starting and I was looking for people to get things off the ground someone recommended a screen printer in Brighton. I had no email, phone number or even an address just directions to the studio. So I went and knocked on the door and was greeted by the most charming man who invented me into his chaotic, exciting workspace.

Up Front as it was known then was a traditional screen print studio but as well as the carousels the space was full of pieces of set from various festivals and both a poole and a black jack table. Jim introduced himself, made coffee and we chatted whilst listening to french radio.

Over the years Jim and Dan have become firm friends ‘cut from the same cloth’ as Jim put it and Dept of Works would not be what it is today without them.

The weekend saw Jim’s 50th birthday party at the Latest music bar. I wanted to share a few photos of the night, not least of PISS the world’s first air guitar band!
Happy birthday Jim!